What Are Solar Panels And Solar Cells?

By Ben Ford

Everyone’s talking about solar power lately and it can get quite confusing for the average person who’s not up to speed on the subject. One of the most common questions that people ask is” What’s the difference between solar panels and solar cells?” It’s an honest question, though the answer is actually quite simple.

A solar cell is a component that takes solar rays and converts them directly into energy. These units are very small hence their name and their output is also very low. They are one of the most common elements of any solar power system and without them the system would not function. The reason for this is that solar panels are made up of several solar cells.

The output of the panel is dependent on the number, size, and quality of the cells themselves. Typically however the average panel is made up of dozens of these small cells and without them the system would not work. Solar panels on homes are rather small sized and meant for powering typical home appliances or providing general amounts of electricity. Industrial panels however are another story.


Industrial sized solar panels are massive in size and power output and are meant to power heavy duty machinery. The solar cells that they are made of are extremely compact and very expensive to make. The energy output they offer is substantially higher than that of what you would find on the average panel therefore making them ideal for heavy duty use. Due note that the overall output of any solar cell is heavily dependent on the amount of sunlight it receives.

That being said bad weather or simply overcast days can impede the operation of both the cell and the panel which results in a reduced operating capacity. Although even during these overcast days some sunlight reaches the units and a smaller amount of energy is created. The energy coming out of solar panels however is useless without being put through a conversion box of some kind. The raw direct current would be dangerous to electronics and systems without being properly converted first.

Despite the differences between home and industrial solar equipment there is also the quality rating of said equipment to consider. Not all solar panels are equal and lower end models have lower quality cells in them as well. With this type of equipment you really do get what you pay for and the more you invest in your system the better the systems output will be.

Relying on the cheapest models won’t yield a very efficient or dependable source of energy for your home. You don’t have to buy the most expensive models either and you should aim for somewhere in the middle. This is the price, performance, durability balance point and when you find a panel that fits it you have found the one to buy. Of course this point isn’t the same for everyone as it’s heavily dependent on your requirements and your budget.

In closing, solar cells are essentially the major components of solar panels and without them there would be no power generation. There’s a difference in output for home and industrial panels and not all panels of one type are equal. Relying on cheaper models will leave you with a low performing system and expensive models can leave your budget drained. Finding the middle ground is very important to making your system work and getting the best price.

About the Author: Looking for solar panels, wind generators, and solar power products? energybay.org has most major brands in stock. Check out Energybay.org for our weekly specials.

Source: isnare.com

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