Shy Your Wrinkles Away With Botox Injections

Shy Your Wrinkles Away with Botox Injections


Wain Roy

The eternal dream of man to remain beautiful and young forever has always been a motivating factor towards innovation and experimentation. This dream has been responsible for the increasing popularity of cosmetic surgery, leading to the sudden influx in the use of botox. Looking young is considered a fashion statement, especially in America, London and across the glamour world. Supposed to reduce the fine lines of age on your face, botox injections are fast acquiring a craze across the world. Such is its craze that people are ready to dish out any amount of money for this drug.


A single vial of botox can cost anything within $200 to $1000; the cost often depending on the whims of the doctor. According to BBC World Business Report, botox sales in the US alone were more than $300 in spite of the fact that it was not promoted as a cosmetic drug directly to the doctors and the consumers. This clearly testifies to the growing consciousness about botox among the people and the miraculous effects that it carries in its fold. In fact, popular demand can be cited as one of the major factors that have compelled the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to rethink its decision to ban botulinum toxin. Questions might arise on the reasons behind the ever increasing demand for botox. The obvious answer lies in the desire of people to defy their age. It’s not just that people engaged in the glamour industry take recourse to botox treatment. People who can afford this form of treatment are ready to undergo the entire ordeal of receiving botox injections, the count generally centering around 14 in number. They are not even deterred by the idea that they would have to bear similar intensity of pain periodically as the botox effect lasts for a few months and needs to be re-injected. A number of renowned personalities and celebrities of Hollywood have taken botox injections and with good effects. People are now aware about the secret behind the ageless beauty of Cindy Crawford or any other model above the age of 40. Periodical injections of botox, vitamins and collagen cast a magical spell on your skin making it tighter and smoother, at the same time restoring its elasticity. Not just America, recent trends suggest that the men of London, especially the executive class in their 30’s, are availing botox treatment on a large scale. The stress of their busy lives, along with increasing competition takes a toll on their overall appearance and personality. This leads them to look for a quick solution to their ageing problem that they now find in botox. London has become a cosmetic surgery hub in recent years with the emergence of a number of cosmetic surgery clinics providing anti-aging solution through botox injections. No wonder more and more people are flocking to rediscover their youth through botox London


Wain Roy is an internet marketing professional expert in various industries like real estate, web design, finance, medical tourism, Canadian pharmacy drug and


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