Hp Lto 1 Best Storage Option For Small Size Businesses

HP LTO-1 Best Storage Option for small size businesses



Public relation organization small and medium size enterprises, financial institutions, busy data workstations, and businesses enterprises around the globe depend on their most valuable and sensitive information and they cannot deny their absolute dependency on these valuable and sensitive data. Major companies realize that this important data must be preserve from natural disasters, theft, miss uses, human errors, or any sort of leakage.

Comprehensively increased pressure on these enterprises due to exceptional data growth is focusing organization to work on this mounted problem. Everyone is in search to get the best and possible solution for their data backup storage. Many IT related companies around the world focusing to develop an economical and best solution for these backup problems. Among those Hewlett-Packard one of the leading manufacturer of IT devices developed a most economical and best solution for these data backup storage problem.

LTO-1 C7971A

carrying dynamic features with all available techniques and same time these are very simple and very effective. Offering high speed data storage density, ease for observe, use and scalability data backup storage performance. Data storage capacity is one of icon feature of these


HP LTO-1 Tape

and enough to secure data and important information of all type of business enterprises or any sort of data center. Native storage capacity is 100GB and with compressed formation doubled with 200GB. Another attractive feature is data transfer speed native 20MB/sec and with compressed formation 40MB/sec which is ideal speed for data storage options. Total tape length is 609m which is enough to handle any amount of data. HP LTO-1 tapes cartridge memory chip which is helpful for faster and very safe access and enhanced media monitoring. It also helps to restore data with minimum media failure and less disrupted backup s recovery without any problem in any sort of hard conditions.

HP LTO-1 or linear Tape Open format technology change the whole concept of data storage. This is right answer for the burgeoning backup importance.

HP C7971a

intelligently designed and developed accordingly data administration demand. HP LTO-1 soon becomes a reliable and perfect choice. That s why leading enterprises and data rich nature companies trust and prefer HP LTO data backup protection technology, which is equally ideally designed to meet all sort of data backup s needs for small or medium size businesses, desktop workstations and departmental servers with huge amount of data transactions.

Hp used some of the most dependable and reliable technology in this LTO-1 Ultrium cartridge. HP C7971A Tape carried superior mechanism and perfect mechanical interlock system to prevent the all sort of misshape like leader pin from being pulled inside the cartridge housing. Preinstalled sensor detects properly inside connections and help cartridge to work smoothly. HP also developed very simple and smooth path to reduce wear and tear, frictions with head. That makes HP products more durable and long life devices. WORM version provides data administrator a tamperproof and compliant less data backup storage option. Open standard technology ensure these

HP LTO-1 C7971A

compatibility across product and enhanced data security. These tapes are compatible and can use with any famous branded driver.

For Sales & General Inquiries:

7172 Regional Street, Dublin, CA 94568

Fone: 001-866-585-5130

Fax: 001-925-271-6220

LTO 1 tapes

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