Live Chat Pro Actively Seek Sales And Feedback.}

Live chat pro actively seek sales and feedback.


Live Chat ( chat is at the website, providing instant replies to all the concerns and queries of your customers. The chat can be initiated in a very simple way with just a click of the button. This is known as reactive live chat where the customer initiates the chat on his behalf.

The other concept is proactive live chat.

When the chat agent sees that the customer is having difficulty, or he has spent a good deal of time at a particular page then but is reluctant and has not yet clicked the chat button, at that moment the chat agent can start the chat on his behalf. This is known as proactive chat.


Reactive live chat allows your visitor to contact you online while proactive live chat gives the liberty to the chat agent to get in touch with your visitors who may also be the paying customers or the existing customers and get their concerns resolved. The sales agent achieve this by pro-actively asking if your browsing site visitors need help or not. It’s basically a pop-up friendly initiate feature and allows your browsing customer to accept or decline the invitation.

The browsing site visitors get a pop up in a non intrusive manner when the sales representative seeks the visitor in a proactive manner.

Proactive chat helps you, before your customers gets pissed off and leaves the site. You can also offer proactive help at the pages which has a high bounce rate.

In this way proactive help really helps the customer and is also appreciated by the customers.

So get live chat at your website to land your customers with the awesome customer experience.

Providing an exceptional customer experience is crucial for any business. It decides whether the visitor will turn into a long-term customer or abandon your site and never come back. We cumulated some tips for training your agents for providing an exceptional customer experience.

Mostly, customers tend to know when the chat agent is stretching the truth. If your chat agent lies to a customer, it doesn’t solve the problems but extends them further. As a part of the training provided to the live chat agents, you may even screen chat agents to see how they handle pressure. One good technique is to quiz them by asking questions that get difficult gradually. Based on this you can actually know the ability of the agent to handle pressure.

Make sure that all the queries and concerns can be answered within the ongoing chat session. If a question or concern cannot be answered, the chat agent should be able to write up a helpdesk ticket and flag it as urgent. Therefore, chat agent can be helpful either ways such that even if he cannot directly help a customer with a problem, he still can be helpful by either transferring the conversation to someone who knows the answer or by conducting required research online and providing the desired solution.

For live chat contact us Contact us link:

Live Chat Agent (LiveChatAgent.Com)


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