What To Know About The Types Of Interview Questions?

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By Jayesh Bagde

During an interview, there are various questions you may encounter. These questions have their purpose. Learning the reason behind the question will help you come up with the best answer. Although there are no right and wrong answers to these questions, it will still help you convey your thoughts and personality clearly.

Interview questions are intended to increase the analytical validity of prospective employer-employee relationships. There are lots of interview questions you may encounter during an interview.


Credential Authentication Questions

The questions ‘What was your grade point average?’ or ‘How long were you at your__________________?’ are asked to make unbiased measurements on the features of your educational background.


Experience Verification Questions

‘What were your job specifications in that position?’ is an example of an experience verification question. This is for the purpose of evaluating, on a personal note, the features of your work experience.


Opinion Questions

‘What are you going to do if you will face this situation, __________________?’ or ‘What do you think are your strength and weaknesses?’ are types of opinion questions. These are asked to analyze how you would react in a series of situations on a personal level.


Dumb Questions

‘What color best describes your personality?’ or ‘If you were to become an animal, what would that be?’ are types of dumb questions. The reason for these questions is to test your capability to think and answer spontaneously. There are no right or wrong answers for these types of interview questions since it is used to test your ability to think on your own.



Mathematical Questions

The reason for using this type of question is to evaluate your mental calculation and your creative ability in math. It includes the questions, ‘What is 3,000 divided by 100?’ or ‘how many apples can fit in your refrigerator?’ Mathematical formulas can be created by your brain so as to give an immediate answer.


Hypothetical or Case Questions

‘How many posts are there from where you came from up to here?’ or ‘What is your estimate of the total amount the toll plaza gets from motorists everyday?, are examples of case questions. This is to assess your problem-solving abilities. It is also to examine and to work through possible case situations.


Behavioral or Descriptive Questions

‘Can you give me a detailed example of how you go about it? Or ‘What were the procedures to follow to do that task? Are types of behavioral questions. The reason for these questions is to predict future behavior based on present behavior.


Competency Questions

These questions include: ‘Can you give me a precise example of your management skills?’ Or ‘Explain a technique in which you require a creative solution to a problem.’ The reason for these types of questions is to arrange your past behavior in line with precise competencies required for the job.

Other types of questions can also be encountered in an interview. These include:


Direct Questions

These types of questions dictate the focus of your answer. An example can be ‘What skills do you have that is relevant to this position?’. The information you need to give should be clear and specific. You should easily answer these questions if you have completed your research.


Non-direct Questions

These questionss are general. It does not ask for any specific information. An example can be ‘Tell us something about your self?’. In response to this question, briefly summarize four areas, namely:



Skills; and

personal attributes.

Other Samples of Interview Questions that may be helpful include:

Tell me more about your self

It includes information about your education, experiences, skills or abilities, and your personal attributes. Relate it to the job you are seeking.

What made you decide to apply in this particular position?

Discuss things such as how it can expand your specific knowledge or how it is relevant to a particular interest area?

What did you do to prepare for this interview?

What do you do to make sure that your communication is effective?

Ask for clarification if it is oral or written communication.

If this position is offered to you, what training do you think is required before you could become a productive member of the group?

What do you do in your spare time?

What weaknesses do you have?

Tell them what you are doing at present to overcome those weaknesses. This will make a positive impression and will show the employer you are also concerned about making the necessary improvements.

Do you have other questions for us before we end this interview?

When you ask questions, it shows that you are interested. It’s a good idea to show your interest by asking important questions. The questions you will ask should be based on the details of the interview itself.

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